Apple Vision Pro Demo Appointments: How to Book, Available Dates, and More

Vision Pro
Image: Apple

The Apple Vision Pro represents a significant leap in technology, blending virtual and augmented realities. As interest surges, Apple has facilitated demo appointments for customers eager to experience the device before making a purchase. This guide outlines how to book your demo, the available dates, and additional insights into making the most of your appointment.

How to Apple Vision Pro Demo Appointments

To book an online demo appointment for the Apple Vision Pro, you’ll need to visit Apple’s official website or use the Apple Store app. Starting from February 5, 2024, Apple transitioned from a first-come, first-serve basis to allowing online reservations, simplifying the process for potential customers​​​​​​.

What are the key points and available dates for the Vision Pro demos?

  • Appointment Length: Each demo session lasts approximately 25 minutes, where an Apple specialist will guide you through the Vision Pro’s features and functionality​​.
  • Requirements: You must have an Apple ID with two-factor authentication enabled to book a demo appointment​​.
  • Availability: Initially, demo appointments were available for the period of February 5 to 8. It’s advised to check Apple’s website for updates on new available dates​​.

What to Expect During Your Demo

The demo includes a hands-on experience with the Vision Pro, allowing you to explore its functionalities under the guidance of an Apple employee. This interaction aims to showcase the headset’s capabilities and how it integrates into the Apple ecosystem​​​​.


The Apple Vision Pro demo appointments offer a unique opportunity to explore the device’s potential in person. By booking an appointment online, you can avoid long waits and get a comprehensive introduction to this groundbreaking technology. As the device necessitates customization for each user, especially regarding the fitting of prescription lenses, the demo session becomes an essential step before purchase​​.


  • How do I book a demo appointment? Book through Apple’s official website or the Apple Store app by clicking on “Book a demo” on the in-store shopping session page​​.
  • Are walk-in demos available? Initially, demos were on a first-come, first-serve basis, but with the introduction of online bookings, it’s best to reserve your spot to ensure a demo experience​​​​.
  • Can I try the Vision Pro before my scheduled slot? Some users have reported being able to try the Vision Pro by walking into an Apple Store without a reservation, though this may depend on the store’s policies and availability​​.

For the most current information and to book your demo, visit Apple’s official website. This experience is not just about trying a new gadget; it’s about seeing firsthand how Apple envisions the future of personal technology.