MH Wilds: Where to Find and Capture Tracktail Lizard

Tracktail Lizard is an Endemic Life creature and can be seen in the Windward Plains base camp in Monster Hunter Wilds. If you don’t know how to find Tracktail Lizard location and catch them, then just keep on reading to know its exact location and how to capture it! Before heading for capturing the Lizard you will have to participate in a side quest named Dareel’s Research Report in MH Wilds.

Dareel’s Research Report is a side quest where you will assist Dareel in documenting Endemic Life. He is located at the Windward Plains Base Camp and is keen to know more about the Tracktail Lizard. If you have not yet begun capturing critters in MH Wilds, here is how you can locate the one you require in Chapter 1-5.

Steps for Completing Dareel’s Research Report

  • Talk to Dareel at Windward Plains Base Camp
  • Find a Tracktail Lizard in Area 13 or between Areas 11 and 12 of the Windward Plains
  • Capture the Tracktail Lizard
  • Report back to Dareel

Where to Find a Tracktail Lizard?

To find the location of the Tracktail Lizard, go and talk to Dareel. Dareel can be found in the northeast part of the Windward Plains Base Camp. Find the tent where Felicita, the Squad Information Counter, is sitting outside. Go inside the tent and talk to Dareel to start the quest.

Dareel will ask you to catch a Tracktail Lizard for his research report. When you talk to him again, he’ll provide you with another tip: Tracktail Lizards like to be in oases, and there is one in Area 13.

Tracktail Lizard Location

  • East of the Oasis in Area 13 – A duo of Tracktail Lizards is close to the water, heading east.
  • Northern edge of the Oasis – Two additional pairs can be discovered:
    • One pair in the middle of sandy dunes pointing towards Area 11
    • Another couple close to the rocky region between Areas 12 and 13

How to Catch Tracktail Lizard

Prepare Ghillie Mantle and Use the Capture Net

Due to the Tracktail Lizard being a flighty creature, one will chase it away simply by approaching it without a Ghillie Mantle. Complete the following instructions to catch it successfully:

  • Equip the Ghillie Mantle – This will prevent the lizard from detecting you.
  • Approach Slowly – Move carefully to avoid startling it.
  • Use the Capture Net – Aim precisely, as missing may cause the lizard to flee.
  • Patience is Key – If it escapes, leave the area and return later to try again.

Tracktail Lizard

Once you’ve successfully caught a Tracktail Lizard, return to Dareel to complete the quest and receive your rewards! This is how you find and capture the Tracktail Lizard in MH Wilds. If you are interested, do check out other guides here.